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Board of Selectmen Minutes 10/15/2007
Old Lyme Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting Monday, October 15, 2007

The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, October 15, 2007 at Christ the King Church. First Selectman Timothy Griswold, Selectman Skip Sibley and Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder were present.

1.  Approval of Minutes: October 1, 2007
     a. October 1 minutes
The approval of the minutes was tabled until the next meeting.
     b. October 15 Meeting – change to Agenda
First Selectman Griswold suggested two changes to the Agenda: move item 5a, CT Comm. on Culture and Tourism to position 2 on the Agenda; and add Information Technology to the end of Old Business as item g.
Selectwoman Reemsnyder moved to make the changes to the Agenda. Selectman Sibley seconded the motion. SO VOTED.
2.  CT Commission on Culture & Tourism – Historic Restoration Fund Grant of $200,000 Approved
State Representative Marilyn Giuliano attended the meeting.  First Selectman Griswold read a letter from Karen Senich, the Acting Director of the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism.  The Town of Old Lyme has been awarded a Historic Restoration Grant of $200,000. The Selectmen thanked Representative Giuliano for her role in obtaining the grant, which is the highest amount available for Historic Restoration. Representative Giuliano commended First Selectman Griswold, the Board of Selectmen and the Town of Old Lyme for their preservation efforts.
3.  Communications:
        a. Steve Ross – Mile Creek Drainage
Steve Ross sent a letter to the Selectmen regarding the flooding of the Mile Creek Marsh. He is    requesting that the town have an engineer analyze the problem so it can be fixed, since it is an ongoing problem.  Mr. Ross stated that the Flood and Erosion Control Board has not met for eight years, and needs to address the problem. There was a discussion of the flooding situation and possible causes and solutions. First Selectman Griswold will contact the current members of the Flood and Erosion Control Board and ask them to resign since they haven’t met in a long time. The Selectmen will then find some new members for the Board. Mr. Ross is willing to serve on the Board.
4.  Appointments: None    
5.  Old Business:
     a. Ethics Formation Committee – Update
Ethics Formation Committee met today at 6:30, and will report to the Selectmen with their findings from the public information hearing.
      b. Town Woods Park – Status
Machnik Bros. is almost finished with the work on the park.  Selectmen Sibley was there this week and said the fields look great, the grass is growing well.
     c. Town Hall Expansion – Status
A small ceremony was held at town hall to celebrate the completion of the first stage of the project. First Selectman Griswold presented a spreadsheet delineating the expenses for the renovation. So far the construction project is on budget, in spite of the need to remove and dispose of more asbestos than was anticipated. The relocation of the displaced town offices and staff has been more costly than expected. That part of the project is over budget, but some funds may be available from a Small Cities Grant; the Selectman’s office is working on the application.
d. Hartford Ave. Paving – Special Town Meeting – 22 Oct 07 Middle School Library at 7:30 P.M.
The Board of Selectmen and the Finance Board will hold a special Town Meeting on October 22, 2007, at the Middle School Library to decide the Hartford Avenue Paving issue.
e. Bus Barn Relocation – Update
The Selectmen held a meeting at the Library with District 18 representatives and Anchor Engineering, to decide on what the town could do to get the bus barn project started. Anchor Engineering will take samples to determine if the soil is suitable for the bus barn and a site plan will be created for the project. Selectman Sibley would like to get a well defined estimate of what the cost would be for the project so it can be presented to District 18. Selectwoman Reemsnyder understood at the meeting that the feasibility study would cost about $15,000 and be paid for by the town.
f. Public Works Garage Committee – Formation
Selectman Sibley has enough volunteers to form the committee.  He will provide a list to the Board of Selectmen.
g. Information Technology
Selectwoman Reemsnyder and the Information Technology Committee researched the document scanning software, Laserfiche.  Ms. Reemsnyder got quotes from two providers, General Code and A&A Office Systems. Each provider demonstrated the software to Town Hall staff.  Selectwoman Reemsnyder and the Information Technology committee recommended that A &A Office Systems of Middletown be engaged to provide the Laserfiche software, licenses, and training for $8,008 (General Code’s estimate was over $9,000). The Information Technology Committee recommends that a plan be formulated to implement the scanning of town documents before the software is installed, so that the town can get the most benefit from the software.
Selectman Sibley made a motion to recommend to the Board of Finance that the Laserfiche software be purchased from A&A Office Systems as recommended by the Information Technology Committee. Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.
6.  New Business:
         a. Landfill Closure – Material from Blinkers – Update
First Selectman Griswold had a meeting at the Landfill with Mr. Fortunata from Blinkers, and Anchor Engineering to investigate the questionable material dumped at the Landfill.  Blinkers brought in 28 loads of material, most of which has been spread. Anchor Engineering will test samples of the material to determine the type of waste. “Special Waste” is appropriate for landfills, but needs authorization from the DEP before it is dumped. If the waste is Hazardous, it must be removed. Anchor Engineering recommended that the town collect $2,000 from Blinkers to cover the cost of testing the material. First Selectman Griswold stated that if the material is “Special Waste”, and stays at the landfill (with DEP authorization) Blinkers will be charged.
      b. Parks & Rec. Commission – Vehicle for Director
The Parks & Rec. Commission Chairman recommends that a vehicle be provided for the Parks & Recreation Director. The request will be included in the budget discussion.
        c. CT State Police Contract – Non-Discrimination Certification
First Selectman Griswold received a letter requesting that he sign the Non-discrimination Certificate for the CT State Police Contract.
Selectman Sibley made a motion to have First Selectman Griswold sign the Non-discrimination
Certificate. Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion. SO VOTED.
7.  Public Comment:
Maggie Ward asked about the Landfill material and how it came to be dumped without proper authorization. First Selectman Griswold stated that something went wrong in the process at the Landfill and the town is investigating it.
Ms. Ward questioned why a special meeting is needed for the Hartford Ave. paving project.  First Selectman Griswold replied that the amount needed to finish the job went over what was budgeted (because of a delay caused by necessary drainage work) but there is a carryover from last year’s budget, and the rest can be taken from the Sound View Parking Lot Fund.
She also asked about the cost of asbestos abatement in the Town Hall Renovation project, compared to what was budgeted. First Selectman Griswold replied that while some asbestos abatement was budgeted for the Speirs property, none was budgeted specifically for the Town Hall (because it was thought that all the asbestos had been removed some years ago). Selectwoman Reemsnyder checked the construction expense information and found that about $37,000 was spent for the unexpected asbestos abatement.

Bill Roundtree, of Brown’s Lane, wanted information on the Town Hall Renovation budget. He sent First Selectman Griswold a letter requesting the information on October 3, but has not received a reply.  Mr. Griswold replied that he had just finished gathering the information.  Mr. Roundtree requested a copy of the contract with the general contractor, which is public information. He read a letter which he is sending to the CT State Freedom of Information Department, complaining that his letter of October 3 was not responded to within 4 days as required by the FOI Act. He stated that he considered this to be a willful denial of the information. He also said that several complaints have been filed against Old Lyme with the CT State Freedom of Information Department in the past few weeks.
Chris Olivera, chairman of the Old Lyme Republican Town Committee, spoke, agreeing that Federal, State and Town governments should be complying with the FOI Act in a timely way. He disagreed that the delay in getting the documents was willful, and stated that when complaints are filed right before an election, they are politically motivated. Complaints have been filed recently against the town of Old Saybrook, and other towns in Connecticut. Mr. Olivera pointed out that Mr. Roundtree is a member of a Political Action Committee that is trying to get Ms. Reemsnyder elected to the office of First Selectman.
Mr. Roundtree acknowledged that he is a member of the PAC, which is properly registered.
No other public comment.
8. Other Business:
         a. Fire Marshall
Selectwoman Reemsnyder has been investigating the process of appointing the Fire Marshal.  She checked the Jan. 15, 2005 Board of Selectmen minutes, in which Dave Roberge was designated as the Acting Fire Marshal. According to the August 21, 2006 minutes, Selectman Sibley moved to appoint Dave Roberge as Fire Marshal, but the Selectmen wanted more clarification on length of term and tabled the issue till the next meeting. Then, according to the Jan. 22, 2007 minutes, Dave Roberge was appointed Emergency Management Director but not Fire Marshal. Ms. Reemsnyder checked the state statutes regarding Fire Marshals, and found that 180 days is the limit for Acting Fire Marshals.  First Selectman Griswold stated that in the absence of a deputy Fire Marshal, the Acting Fire Marshal is the Fire Marshal by default, but he will contact the State Fire Marshal for clarification.
        b. Constable Schedule
Selectwoman Reemsnyder stated that the towns Constables sometimes work alone at night, especially on weekends. She would like to have a committee formed to look at the situation, which has been going on for four months.  First Selectman Griswold would like to have a meeting with the Police Department to see what can be worked out; and then form a committee if necessary. Selectman Sibley agreed. Mr. Griswold will set up a meeting with the Police Department.

9. Executive Session – Personnel Matter
Selectman Sibley made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 9:01 pm. Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion. SO VOTED.
Selectwoman Reemsnyder moved to end the Executive Session at 9:16, Selectman Sibley seconded the motion. SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted,  

Martha Hansen
Recording Secretary